Andrea Grimmond

Andrea Grimmond

Women's circle facilitator, yoga teacher & Zen-Thai Shiatsu Therapist

Andrea is a yoga teacher and Zenthai Shiatsu therapist. Her primary focus is female mentoring, nature awareness and transformation.

With a strong interest in movement, mindfulness, meditation and nature therapies, Andrea’s focus is on personal transformation through connection with nature and the self.

Andrea has a background in yoga and mindfulness practices, Zenthai Shiatsu bodywork and experience with Ayurvedic lifestyle principles and the Chinese elements for living a holistic lifestyle and aligning with the rhythm of the natural world. Andrea’s passion for nature-based transformation sees her supporting nature-based programs such as “Rites of Passage” camps for mother/daughter and mother/son.

Being a “wild woman” at heart, Andrea supports women’s wilderness immersions, women’s circles, bodywork therapy and female mentoring. In her spare time, she is often found chasing waterfalls and climbing mountains. Her mission is to support the well-being of women and girls through nature-based immersions, mindfulness and movement. Nourishing our need for connection and belonging, to ourselves, each other and the natural world.






Women's circle facilitator, yoga teacher & Zen-Thai Shiatsu Therapist


Yoga Teacher, Zen-Thai Shiatsu Therapy, Ayurvedic lifestyle principles

Certificates & awards

ZenThai Shiatsu accredited therapist, Registered Yoga Teacher, Wild Women Immersion Training, Rites of Passage Leadership training, NLP and lifestyle coaching. Student of Eco-therapy and trauma-based therapy. Blue Card (QLD) and Working With Children (NSW).

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